View Full Version : PR Tournament Campaign 11 - Commander Sign-Ups open

2015-09-05, 18:59

Campaign 11 Announced!
Official Project Reality Tournament

The PRT Management Team is happy to announce the 11th Campaign of the Official Project Reality Tournament! Following the thrilling and balanced battles of Campaign 10 (decided by a grand finale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HIooVcXnfY)). Once again, the PRT Staff have been working hard to prepare for this year’s tournament, and once again we aim to deliver the ultimate Project Reality experience.

The new Staff, consisting of PRT Veterans, are also excited to announce some brand new features for this campaign. Designed for newcomers and hardened veterans alike, the PRT will provide a professional atmosphere for all types of players to improve and experience PR at its best.

In this large-scale campaign, we are pleased to introduce two newly formed coalitions: The Pacific Defense Initiative (PDI) will fight against the Mediterranean Response Force (MRF). Both teams will be assigned specific factions to play in order to contest the other for supremacy in the tournament.

This campaign was adapted to fit the demands of all the changes of the mod that have been made since the last campaign. With PR going standalone and having celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, this tournament will show you how the mod is meant to be played!



We actively strive for a good team balance that will result in some of the most thrilling and organized matches you will have ever experienced. Sign up and work your way up in the hierarchy of your team. Train with your team mates and learn the best techniques of PR from the veterans. Organize events, collect map intelligence and develop battle plans and strategies to lead your team to victory!


Find new friends to play with - from all over the world! Enjoy PR with a tight-knit group of likeminded players
Battles take place every two weeks, Saturdays at 19:00 PR Time (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31836).

Training and playing sessions are organized by teams and squads.
Two new teams: "Pacific Defense Initiative" (PDI) and "Mediterranean Response Force" (MRF).
Dynamic campaign world map that pairs up a multitude of PR maps and layouts in several "Operations" requires strategy and planning between battles to win the campaign.
Extensive forums for preparation, communication and organization for both teams.
Tournament battle server and training servers for each team
... and much more!

Our tournament coders and artists are working hard to create the new UI for the campaign operations board which will guide the teams throughout the campaign. You can access the current version of the interactive operations board here (http://tournament.realitymod.com/index.php?page=status) and read up on how it works in our FAQ (http://tournament.realitymod.com/index.php?page=faq#f12).

http://tournament.realitymod.com/images/c11resources/announcements/feature.png (http://tournament.realitymod.com/index.php?page=status)


To get both teams on track, Commander SignUps are now open! If you are willing and capable of leading one of the teams for the Project Reality Tournament (Supreme Commander) or lead a team ingame (Commander), please sign up now and post your application:

SIGN UP AS COMMANDER HERE (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?p=342183#post342183)

When the commanders applications have been reviewed and the commanders have been picked by the staff, the administration team will open SignUps for officers and grunts on the following dates:

The Officer Sign-Ups are scheduled to open on: September 14th.
The Grunt Sign-Ups are scheduled to open on: September 21st.

Make sure you apply in time to get a slot in one of the teams! Check here (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31933) to get more info on the sign-ups.


The last campaign has been one of the most successful tournaments in the history of Project Reality. Read up on what the members of campaign 10 have to say:

PRT C10 was a blast, it didn't matter if it was on the front lines or watching from PRISM. The campaign was a bloody, edge of your seat, hold your breath moment the whole way through.

C10 epitomized the ideal tournament. There was fierce competition from each side, but the relationship between both teams was amicable and gentlemanly. You won't get this atmosphere anywhere else.

By far up the most fun I have ever had in project reality without question. I learned more from the PRT in the span of five months than I had in five years of playing project reality.

PRT is what you want and expect from PR in its most optimal form. The teamwork and cooperation that got you into PR but then multiplied by an infinite amount due to motivated teams and greatly organized battles.

The PRT will be as good as you let it; in the campaign you are surrounded by discipline, competition, and strong leadership. when you are in battle you have an unbreakable bond to your squad-mates that gets stronger every battle, and a fiery passion to eliminate anyone who wants to do harm to your squad. In C11, PR will be more than just a game.


To get all the news first-hand, register on the Tournament website (http://tournament.realitymod.com/register.php) now!

More information will be released on the tournament website in the coming weeks. Make sure you read up all relevant information here:

PR Tournament Website (http://tournament.realitymod.com)
How-To Sign-Up (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31933)
Tournament FAQ (http://tournament.realitymod.com/index.php?page=faq)
Tournament Rules (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31948)
Battle & Practice Schedule (http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31834)

IRC: server: irc.quakenet.org | channel: prtournament (autoconnect (http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=prtournament))

2015-09-05, 20:04
I think I forgot to mention this in the TF, but can you sign-up without wanting to get into a specific team?

2015-09-05, 20:09
Yes, that was already possible in C10.

You don't need to specify team preference. You get placed in whichever team needs players the most.

And on the first grunt signups, you're only choosing between Team A or B which haven't yet been assigned faction groups.

2015-09-05, 20:20
Yeah I couldn't remember too be honest

2015-09-05, 22:39
Interesting operations board.

I can't wait to play my first operation (https://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic182226_md.jpg).

2015-09-06, 08:20
the campaign operations board looks cool so far
glad that there is so much love for the ak and russia that everybody is getting to play them:D

2015-09-06, 11:27
I'm already excited as fuck for Operation Guardian

2015-09-07, 08:55
!!! OSOM !!!

2015-09-07, 11:13
Too bad I cannot participate due to work.

2015-09-07, 11:42
Where is the rest of the C10 vets?


2015-09-07, 12:05
Hopings this year I menage to get a stable position ") EXCITED AT MAXIM

2015-09-07, 14:08
Curry;342277']Where is the rest of the C10 vets?


We are here.

2015-09-07, 14:22

2015-09-07, 14:22
Curry;342277']Where is the rest of the C10 vets?


Sneaky Beaky like

2015-09-07, 16:16
Sneaky Beaky like

I am a bush...

nothing to see here...

move along.

But more seriously, good luck with the applications to those applying to the commander positions. Big shoes to fill :D

Cheers, Murkey.

2015-09-07, 17:13
Time to put your signature and avatar on the shelf.

2015-09-08, 09:06
Same here :)

2015-09-08, 09:54
I can play USA and China on the same campaign? Sign me up! :D

Also I like the fact that Russia doesn't give a fuck and just battles for the team she feels for.

2015-09-09, 08:28
Curry;342277']Where is the rest of the C10 vets?



The C11 looks good. (dat MRF logo)