View Full Version : Who's interested in C12?

2016-04-16, 23:56
We know it is too early to say if you will have the time or interest to participate in C12 but this will give us an idea on who's considering it.

Keep in mind that a PRT Campaign usually starts in the end of September or beginning of October. Some other events may be organize in between campaigns.

Also, if you're considering applying to the Admin Team, I would advise that you post your application on the Admin Contact forum as soon as possible as to be involved in the discussions that follow the end of C11.

This poll is not anonymous as we would like to know who's interested.

The Administration.

2016-04-17, 07:29
Personally, can't wait for the next tournament with the introduction of the new 1.4 version plus some maps that will eventually come with it down the line.

Looking forward to it, had fun in this one and it was well organized despite me getting quite salty and spamming reports in Khami yesterday.

My first PRT ever aswell, enjoyed it a lot.

2016-04-17, 09:17
This was my first PRT and I really enjoyed it, I'll eat another Campaign!

2016-04-17, 09:40
like c10, c11 was a pleasure to play, so Im up for a next round

2016-04-17, 09:48
First prt, I really enjoyed the organised gameplay and teamwork, a big thanks to the admins and other organisers. When I was first accepted into the tournament I was a bit sad that I didn't get put into a proper inf squad or armour, but having been through 9 or so battles as recon, I have to say that when I sign up for c-12, I'm definitely asking for another spot in recon.

2016-04-17, 09:58
Kinda burnt out, hard to say right now. C11 was a great success though.

2016-04-17, 10:09
Burnout after campaign is expected and belongs to the "cycle". It can take up to 3-4 months before you start getting them PRT cravings again.

I for one will probably not touch PR at all for a couple months now. I OD on it every campaign.

But come fall/winter, I'd very likely play again...

2016-04-17, 10:25
I'm very interested in it of course ! I only play PR for organised teamplay so I don"t do much pubbing.
Sadly, I most likely won't have time anymore for C12. But maybe as a reserve I'll be able to participate.

2016-04-17, 10:34
Definately interested and I'm hoping there will be no NATOvOPFOR in C12 as well.

2016-04-17, 10:42
It would definitely be fun, but it's too early to tell if the motivation and time to commit will be there in 6 months.

2016-04-17, 10:44
I'm probably going to be busy with field trips since i'm joining a military school, i'll see in a few months.

2016-04-17, 11:46
I'm going to basic training starting September, but definitely will join afterwards, if it's on. My PR burnout probably wears off until then :D

2016-04-17, 12:08
Pretty pissed Viiris was allowed to play but L4gi wasn't, I think that is some bullshit. I'm also not a huge fan of how maps are picked and how which layer is played is set by admins. Going to wait to see how C12 is run.

2016-04-17, 12:21
Not that L4gi actually plays PR anymore Rabbit lol

2016-04-17, 12:24
Pretty pissed Viiris was allowed to play but L4gi wasn't, I think that is some bullshit. I'm also not a huge fan of how maps are picked and how which layer is played is set by admins. Going to wait to see how C12 is run.

A small correction, but maps and layers were discussed pre-season, after command staffs had been put together (SCOs, COs and XOs) but before factions had been assigned. Both command staffs rated every map and came together with admins to discuss what maps & layers they thought were the most balanced. A very intelligent system as when admins have been solely responsible for picking maps in the past it inevitably led to bitching and YUGE e-drama.

2016-04-17, 12:43
PDI|Jizzco;357690']Not that L4gi actually plays PR anymore Rabbit lol
Sure he does, he even applied but was rejected.

I see, I would just rather see loser pick the map, winner pick the layer or vise versa.

2016-04-17, 13:00
I see, I would just rather see loser pick the map, winner pick the layer or vise versa.

I could get behind some sort of system like that. Come to think of it I'm not a fan of the Operation pick order being set from the results of the pre-campaign matches.

Although "loser pick the map, winner pick the layer" doesn't necessarily work out as enough of a losers advantage imo.

2016-04-17, 13:02
I'm probably going to be interested in playing next campaign, unless I get super busy, though I think it would be best to figure a way to make it shorter next campaign, as this felt waaaaaay too long

2016-04-17, 13:07
MRF|WebCole;357696']I could get behind some sort of system like that. Come to think of it I'm not a fan of the Operation pick order being set from the results of the pre-campaign matches.

Although "loser pick the map, winner pick the layer" doesn't necessarily work out as enough of a losers advantage imo.

Like I said, or vise versa, Winner could pick the map and loser the layer, I myself would want to pick the map if I lost because general flag layout and factions and help a team win, but that would be up for the 2 commanders to decide.

2016-04-17, 14:14
Rabbit, when Viirus was signing up, there was a discussion between both SCOs on how to handle it. MRF agreed to letting him play.

If there were any worries about CAS imbalance: Danger offered to play without CAS on Khami, even. And we've always been open to discussions in general. Winning the PRT is obviously the goal, but we really all just want a challenging, fun series of battles.

Maps were chosen by admins (IIRC) to be as balanced as possible, and layers were decided by the SCOs pre-tournament. This caused one big issue: There's no way the SCOs can look at all maps and all layers in the necessary detail in the given time, leading to weird layout choices such as Kozelsk tunnels etc. . Luckily, we could solve most of these using last-minute gentlemen's agreements, but it certainly was causing trouble.
Allowing to pick from all layers of a map makes no sense, because pretty much every map has at least one retardedly lopsided layer. There also are maps that simply don't work at all in a tournament setting (Op Soul Rebel), so free choice there also isn't desirable.

There were almost no operations that were objectively lopsided. The decisions on which operation to pick were based on nuanced experiences from past battles (did we fare better in inf/asset combat? Do we want more aggression/defense?). And personal favorites of officers played a very big role as well.
Which is a good sign, because balance concerns must have been small for these other issues to become relevant.

2016-04-17, 14:54
Gib c12

2016-04-17, 16:14
Senshi;357709']Rabbit, when Viirus was signing up, there was a discussion between both SCOs on how to handle it. MRF agreed to letting him play.

The fact it even got that far is what makes me mad, admin team blocked l4gi from the start, didn't even give him a shot to play as a squad member from what Curry was letting me, that's strait up fucked up for admins to block l4gi and not viirus.

2016-04-17, 16:21
L4gi and Viirus are 2 completely different cases which have nothing in common at all. If you or anyone else feels the need to rediscuss it he can PM me.

Now please stop derailing the thread.

2016-04-17, 17:52
C11 was my first campaign and I hope it won't be the last! Looking forward to the next one already.

2016-04-17, 19:17
I actually can't wait already

2016-04-17, 19:21
Always up for armor, although just as recruit next time

2016-04-17, 21:28
I don't think I'll be participating again, not because of anything the Admins have done, but because playing on 200+ ping just sucks. If there were ever a PRT based in the US you could count me in, but until then I'll just stick to playing on US servers. :)

2016-04-17, 21:41
Playing in the PRT does sound like something I'd do :P

Might lead a platoon or be an NCO. Depends on the timing as I'll be spending some time in the West African wilderness with work, but if I can be sure that I'll be back in old Blighty you know I'll be there.

Until then. GGs fellas. See you on tha pubs.

Cheers, Murkey.

2016-04-17, 23:12
Was my first campaign, and I had a awesome experience.
Despite winning streaks on both sides it felt a balanced campaign.
Thanks to everyone involved.

So count me in for next campaign.

I used to play in a Battlefield tournament where I had various positions.
So I can relate to the leaders that are burned out. Only advise I can give them, join next campaign as soldier and just enjoy the battles and practice. Just going back to basic and make new friends.

2016-04-18, 01:25
I'm just glad that I'm going to be away this Summer for nearly 2 months, wouldn't want to contemplate so much time of only Pub clusterfecks.

Looking forward to organized, intelligent PR play next Fall !

2016-04-18, 19:01
More then a yes, had a great time in a different role again! Always something to look out to.

2016-04-19, 02:12
I'd love to participate in C12, considering I got busy before the first battle of C11...

2016-04-19, 09:16
Can't wait for the next campaign, hopefully it won't take too long to organize.

2016-04-19, 17:24
Would like to try some different role in tournament. Most likely recon if nothing else comes up

2016-04-19, 22:17
I doubt the new campaign will start in the next ~4 months. Preparations take A LOT of time and work. Recruiting an admin team, recruiting contributors, doing artwork & tools & website, discussing rules & battlecycle mode, and last but not least recruiting a solid and balanced set of players to fill the all-important officer roles of both teams.

2016-04-21, 17:53
Senshi;357883']I doubt the new campaign will start in the next ~4 months. Preparations take A LOT of time and work. Recruiting an admin team, recruiting contributors, doing artwork & tools & website, discussing rules & battlecycle mode, and last but not least recruiting a solid and balanced set of players to fill the all-important officer roles of both teams.

I will be spamming F5 on the Reddit page until I see a video pop-up from Paul_onesix letting everyone know you can sign in for the PRT :D

2016-04-25, 17:12
C11 was quite fun for me, can't wait for C12, I'd love to help out aswell, I'm not that bad with Photshop and I've recently gotten even better.

2016-04-25, 19:29
I can't wait for fall and C12

2016-08-19, 04:34
i'm certainly going to put a squad from my new clan 2R in. i've been playing the game for 6 years and really want to play in a competitive environment.

2016-08-19, 15:25
i'm certainly going to put a squad from my new clan 2R in. i've been playing the game for 6 years and really want to play in a competitive environment.

Excellent after 6 years of PR you can expect some good rounds of PR in the tournament. People willing to lead and recruit dedicated members are always most welcome in the PRT. There are a few rules about having clan members playing together. We encourage communities to mix and play together, so there are a few rules to consider when signing up lots of guys from the same clan.

See here - http://tournament.realitymod.com/showthread.php?t=31948#f3

Cheers, Murkey.

2016-09-04, 22:53
I came form Squad a few months ago and I really enjoy PR more than squad. I would be more than happy to participate in c12.

2016-09-04, 23:05
Hello SpookyRambo welcome to the PRT.

Glad you enjoy PR and hope you get the change to enjoy it even more once you participate in the PRT.

2016-09-05, 09:23
Are we there yet?

2016-09-05, 12:07
No, but we are getting there ;)