View Full Version : Stories from the Front - Campaign 11
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Share your stories from the battles.
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2015-10-03, 21:22
Best: winning first battle
Worst: doing trans all round
Funniest/scariest: getting missed by HAT/TOW by a couple of inches on B8(?)
best: Really enjoyable game overall!
worst: In the begining i wanted ambush the enemy recon coming from the north, and when the engineer finaly swam on the river i missed my every shot on him and lost him :D. I spend some time walking around map, and when i reached saint tropez my internet dc'd
funniest: Recon squad with 5000 points and top squad :D
2015-10-03, 21:30
best: Winning the first battle
worst: getting revived and take an arty round in the face
funniest: improvised konga line by a MEC soldier at the monastery at the beginning. I see our SL running and a MEC guy just behind him tryng to knife or something. Had to put him down :D
Amazing battle
Area attack on my squad. Why, we were doing nothing on our rooftop :D
"Phil, there might be more around the corner"
*Turns the corner, see a full squad with half of them nades in hand. Spray down 3-4 before going down*
Who was the lone trans truck driver I literally ran into in my truck towards the end? :D
worst: 42
best: the TV assault at the end was glorious. Combat foxholes being dug while under fire, smoke, area attack. Lots of fun!
2015-10-03, 21:35
Best: Good feeling from the first, though not the main battle. Just Pre-Battle
Worst: Served hemorrhoids sitting 2 hours transport truck
Funniest: Rushing with two people`s to TV Station. Now players of the French side will be dreaming of how not from where came the two mad landed on the TV station and nearly killed two squad :)
worst: Going afk for a minute and getting shot :(
funniest: Alon falls off glitchy building. One minute later I fall of glitchy building. One minute later Toszi falls of glitchy building.
2015-10-03, 21:56
best: sneaky behind killing
worst: my nemesis..
funniest: chaotic stuff going on on TV at the end
Funniest: Rushing with two people`s to TV Station. Now players of the French side will be dreaming of how not from where came the two mad landed on the TV station and nearly killed two squad :)
One grenade killed both of you on the roof though :p
Best: Eh.. defending TV station all round?
Worst: Going outside a little too far in the TV station lobby, getting a grenadier nade in my face, and seeing my squad get killed one by one as MECies started pouring in.
Funniest: Killing the Gazelle's pilot + inf on the TV station.
In short: TV station...
best: Shooting an LAT through a small door opening +/- 300m away.
worst: Sneaky enemy thought he could knife my squad leader by suprise, ended up getting killed.
funniest: Can't really remember if I had a funny moment.
2015-10-04, 08:17
Best: Rooftop battles
Worst: Going 0/8 ....
Funniest: Glorious taking of the TV-Station.
unlucky recons on the FOB at F9 approximately 1 hour after start, you might succeed if your bodies do not stick out from the fence. Guys, do not walk too close to thin fences
2015-10-04, 08:41
Best: after 30min, non stop action
Worst: area attack to the head :/
Funniest: AR was on a roof over my squad for a wihle and then he falls down :D
2015-10-04, 11:07
Best: A lot of action, and lots of bullets flying. Also pinning down ppl on TV-station with long range bullets.
Worst: A lot of bullets flying our way, especially on rooftops.
Funniest: Overall good enjoyment
2015-10-04, 11:10
Best: attacking 24/7
Worst: rooftops, had to jump two times into death because rope got removed/ disappeared
Funniest: AR was on a roof over my squad for a wihle and then he falls down :D
That might have been me, black and white with no medic/breacher around, still took lots of you with me. :P
2015-10-04, 11:58
Best: Most Kills on PDI. (But not on scoreboard :( )
Worst: Pre-round shenanigans - hoping they wouldn't devolve into mass TK. I was so tense, ready to get angry at some scrub.
Luckily Portable was on hand on the other team (I don't even know if there is a pun there, grenade??).
Funniest: Being told by Liam that with one exception that Zoome was shot by my AR every single time!
best: First battle in PRT
worse: an enemy that dug in
funniest: the hot potato that killed 42 after the prelive speech
worst: Sneaky enemy thought he could knife my squad leader by suprise, ended up getting killed.
Hah! That was me ;). He had stopped moving, so I start walking behind him, he then suddenly starts sprinting away right when I was behind him, that knife was less than a second away when I got shot.
Best: Taking down at least eight FOBs. Sneaking around narrowly avoiding being spotted. Very lucky when some people don't turn to look ;). Taking out a squad of six with just two guys. Proceed to kill another FOB right after.
Worst: Failing to stab someone and their squad saves them. Hit detection with ping over 170.
Funniest: I'll have to go with the hot potato. Oh Portable.
2015-10-04, 16:14
MRF|Steeps;346338']Hah! That was me ;). He had stopped moving, so I start walking behind him, he then suddenly starts sprinting away right when I was behind him, that knife was less than a second away when I got shot.
That was really close indeed, we even shot him in attempt to shoot you !
As usual, some gems from chatlogs, without disclosing classified stuff:
[19:29 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|SprintJack: damn, tut, you play in quite noisy place
[19:30 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|Tutvys: frikin 40 year old eastern european funk party going on here :)
[19:30 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|Tutvys: i hope they leave soon
[19:52 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|Tutvys: feeling that Police gonna knock on the door soon....
[19:52 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|Tutvys: CALLED IT BRB
[19:54 SQUAD 5 ] [PR]PDI|Tutvys: everyone is spreading - AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gods save the Police
[21:08 TEAM 1 ] [PR]MRF|DoctorWhose: with this tv station we can broadcast MRF propaganda
[21:11 GLOBAL ] [PR]PDI|Philrow: gg
Also please share end-of-round and scoreboard screens!
At least it was only warning...
2015-10-17, 20:52
killed enemy HAT about 40-50m before his missile hit our tank, causing it to crash into the ground :D
2015-10-17, 20:55
best: Losing Apache 3 Times
worst: See weatherballoon gazelle, engage it, got baited, havoc reks us. fml.
funniest: worst KD of the round
2015-10-17, 21:02
best: Best squad, i guess?
worst: Not seeing any of the tanks or APCs the whole round.
funniest: End screen.
All that inf fighting
Dying because I couldn't find a new kit while having enemy medic kit
Almost same scenario as C10, stuck in the same T-shape with no ammo with armor all around us
Best: wrecking the apache twice
Worst: letting the havoc kill the apache
Funniest: driving in circles before the battle and singing to my audience
Best: Running up the stairs into the T building SE side 1st floor, finding 2 guys staring out the window, mowed them down, turned with my pistol to find another on the balcony and gunned him down.
Worst: Those 2 guys that capped our flag, you sneaky boys!
Funniest:Seeing the chinook drop a crate to our west of the flag, moved over with one guy to check it out, enemy SL appeared out of no where. I think we both freaked out.
Best: Slapping the CAS cow down, shoot and scoot fellas, shoot and scoot.
Worst: I caught an enemy sneaker, trying to hide in a doorway. Crouch, take aim, at the arm and leg that are exposed, but a wild deviation attacks! He steps through a hail of bullets to kill me.
Funniest: Getting chased by a BMP near the lake by olive grove. Millimetres above my head, I thought I was dead for sure.
2015-10-17, 21:37
Worst: Those 2 guys that capped our flag, you sneaky boys!
atleast, I was good for something this battle, hihihi :p
It was quite funny to hear BMP, TANK, UAZ & INF rushing back to the flag as soon as it neutralized :D
2015-10-17, 21:42
best: killing lots of PDI-scum, my first SL in tournament
worst: godamn fucking AR, our whole squad was cursing
funniest: enemy armour being really pissed when we attacked factory
MRF|MoulinKiller;347550']atleast, I was good for something this battle, hihihi :p
It was quite funny to hear BMP, TANK, UAZ & INF rushing back to the flag as soon as it neutralized :D
I literally thought it was clear till you jumped down onto the T Roof haha
2015-10-17, 21:50
oh yeah, we really just rushed up the T to cause some trouble, get some kills and spawn back in main :P we were hiding in that small alley w of the flag for 10 min :P I thought it was a quite obvious spot to hide and was suprised nobody came to look for us there ^^
best: A good action packed game, was shooting at MRF for 2 hours.
worst: No ammo, No epipens, No reinforcements and trying to hold the big T, smelled like C10.
funniest: MRF kept running up the stairs into my Saiga. 10/10.
2015-10-17, 21:53
best: defense of the east part of the city, we let nothing through for a long time
worst: fcking MG3
funniest: Saving Private JeffCole, with tons and tons of smoke.
2015-10-17, 22:07
PDI|Reapers;347526']Funniest: driving in circles before the battle and singing to my audience
Indeed! :)
Your adoring fan.
worst: fcking MG3
Well, if you were defending in T-shape + Wraparound at the eastern ledge of the city, that AR was probably me. Just like a shooting gallery, I tell you! :D
2015-10-18, 00:00
best: Got to do a one shot one kill with my MG3
worst: falling down a ladder seconds before shooting an ennemy
funniest: Reapers :D
2015-10-18, 08:33
best: constantly healing my squad , number 1 PDI score board ;)
worst: sitting in the T with no ammo,no epipens and apc/tank/inf outside
funniest: after the battle lasted 1 h our squad was on 12-0 kd,
I was just about to write that we didnt died a single time, and what happend?
Philrow died and going dead dead :D
best: shootin tha OP MG3 from a high rooftop, creating many single mothers
worst: getting constantly annoyed by mortars and that 1 sneaky spotter guy lurking around us
funniest: an AR battle, where the opposing AR thought he could walk out of cover sideways and shoot me
best: Our squad performing well and with really good kd. Killing lots of PDI
worst: I died once because I was greedy, didn't wait long enough for squad mates to handle one guy
funniest: Our push at east of city and rambo Akiba running to house of pain with shotgun
PDI|Merchant;347567']Indeed! :)
Your adoring fan.
Next concert is in 2 weeks. Everyone mark your calendars!
2015-10-18, 16:29
Needs more Jungle Boogie.
This campaign is missing some serious Jungle Boogie.
MRF|MoulinKiller;347649']Needs more Jungle Boogie.
This campaign is missing some serious Jungle Boogie.
and your gracious Ave Maria... :D oh... the nightmares are coming back.
We had some Jungle Boogie before the first prep battle... More Jungle Boogie is definitely needed.
Glorious examples from last campaign's Burning Sands:
Merchants perspective:
2015-10-18, 16:40
Onil;347653']and your gracious Ave Maria... :D oh... the nightmares are coming back.
Only on special occasions, like winning a battle, or if I'm drunk.
2015-10-18, 16:44
Glorious examples from last campaign's Burning Sands:
The best thing of this video still is the UAZ gunner from 30 seconds on, always cracks me up how he's grooving to that funky muuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic.
2015-10-31, 20:52
best: Shooting loads of canadians with my RPK & PKP, out of the middle of a open field.
worst: atleast 10 of my kills got revived, oh, and those marlin flashbacks
funniest: hearing someone sneak up on me and realizing that I'll get rekt.
2015-10-31, 21:01
best: The amount of action and reports near the end.
worst: Can't think of anything.
funniest: Going prone 5-10m from a Russian to my left, we both didn't realise we were next to eachother until SL told me to move my ass.
best: Generally really enjoyable match
worst: I couldnt load the map in time and people had to wait me
funniest: baiting cows to follow my g-wagon into our anti-air :D
2015-10-31, 21:34
best: Sniper kit! Sniper kit! Sniper kit!
worst: Dying in the beginning because I got too greedy.
funniest: RPK running to my tree, going prone right next to me and not noticing me.
2015-10-31, 21:36
Best: Another tough fight from MRF, your coordination at the start of the round was impressive and you were giving us a real good beating.
Worst: Squad wiped too many times for my liking.
Funniest: Getting really frustrated that none of my kills were giving up. I was 5-3 and had given up hope of ever getting them but Paul suddenly told me that I had jumped up a lot. Ended the round with 13 kills, PDI SCO likes to get his hands dirty ;).
Best: Wiping the FOBs at Papa Three, waiting there hoping we could get Papa Four back.
Worst: PDI squad casually strolling into Papa Four and capping it.
Funniest: Hearing the Chinook crash in main base.
Most random: Lone PDI medic walking around the north side of the field of Papa Three. Could have shot but I let him wander around doing nothing. ;)
2015-10-31, 22:10
Best: Some really fighting from both sides, really balanced imo.
WOrst: "wrong place at the wrong time"
funniest: Does PDI keep 2 ARs in the same set of trees?
2015-10-31, 22:14
Best: watching such a dynamic first battle, MRF nearly being outcapped, then making a huge comeback. no stalemates in this bitch!
Worst: my squad got wiped too many times
Funniest: the first time ive experienced the PDI hail of bullets, was very fun to be a part of lagging the server and making the admins sweat :)
Best: wrecking people with pkp
worst: Everyone (including me) getting tilted when papa four got capped. Losing
funniest: -
2015-10-31, 22:45
MRF|Steeps;349282']Best: Wiping the FOBs at Papa Three, waiting there hoping we could get Papa Four back.
Worst: PDI squad casually strolling into Papa Four and capping it.
Funniest: Hearing the Chinook crash in main base.
Most random: Lone PDI medic walking around the north side of the field of Papa Three. Could have shot but I let him wander around doing nothing. ;)
Were you with the sniper? Did you take a shot at an officer around 20 mins in? I matrixed your bullet like hell.
Don't worry, the entire team knew where you were.
PDI|AlonTavor;349291']Were you with the sniper? Did you take a shot at an officer around 20 mins in? I matrixed your bullet like hell.
Don't worry, the entire team knew where you were.
Sniper was Jarhead. Same squad.
funniest: baiting cows to follow my g-wagon into our anti-air :D
That was me, rpoxo was trying to get to you from his truck :D
Best: getting a kill as a door gunner
worst: Lag crash :(
funniest: gunning trying to defend out last flag me" LEFT! LEFT! LEFT!" rpoxo turns right, get AA'd.
2015-11-01, 00:13
best: fallen trees ftw.
worst: seeing pkp bullet traces, ripping our guys.
funniest: using ninja disappearing tactics with smoke and killing two russians sneakily.
2015-11-01, 11:29
best: sneaking to papa four underneath two cows hovering above us for recon and capping it. We were sure they would have spotted us.
funniest: Dangers speech being cut off from all the loadings :D
worst: not getting one accounted kill (revives i hate you)
2015-11-01, 11:46
Best: Remaining as last man in the bushfield between two enemy position.
Worst: Getting shot by a sniper in the bushfield still don't know how he managed to spot me :D
Funniest: CAS COW!
Best: Not losing a chinook all round
Worst: Missing initial deployment by 5 grid squares and delaying the team 75 seconds.
Funniest: See: "Worst"
Most random: Lone PDI medic walking around the north side of the field of Papa Three. Could have shot but I let him wander around doing nothing. ;)
Thank you for not shooting me.
PDI|PMonkey;349560']Thank you for not shooting me.
I'm surprised you didn't see me. We were about 10 meters from each other while you were walking around the trees before running in the open.
It's Yamalia. I was shooting as much at hostile trees as at actual hostiles ;) .
MRF|Steeps;349590']I'm surprised you didn't see me. We were about 10 meters from each other while you were walking around the trees before running in the open.
I thought I may have seen you proning, had that eerie I'm being watched feeling !
2015-11-04, 22:09
Best moment: lying under the tree 5 meters from a guy rebuilding FOB, just to destroy it with a big C4 as soon as he leaves :D
2015-11-12, 07:25
best: Ambushing a whole armor convoy on Kashan with a two tanks, you could just say that the game was easy sailing for the American team, probably the fastest kashan game I played to date.
worst: Flying over the trajectory of mortars with a trans huey, it's not fun..
funniest: My gunner dismounting to patch himself up as an enemy tank rolled up behind us, I ditched him and ran straight to main, he was screaming all over the mic and hid under their tank haha.
best: Ambushing a whole armor convoy on Kashan with a two tanks, you could just say that the game was easy sailing for the American team, probably the fastest kashan game I played to date.
worst: Flying over the trajectory of mortars with a trans huey, it's not fun..
funniest: My gunner dismounting to patch himself up as an enemy tank rolled up behind us, I ditched him and ran straight to main, he was screaming all over the mic and hid under their tank haha.
Sir, this thread is for stories from the PRT battles. ;)
My first battle. First MRF victory.
2015-11-14, 21:12
best: Nothing. Literally nothing.
worst: Losing 4 vehicles.
funniest: Running serpentine through 75m+ patch of open land while getting shot at, getting hit 2 times, dying when i got to a safe position in a bush.
Best: Getting first kill for our team again. (and getting even k/d)
Worst: feeling that we should push up and commander telling that we should hold
Funniest: Lempo stalking me for 20sec and then teamkilling (he told me to not talk about this so nobody heard anything)
Sitting in those spots all battle as CAS SL. ;)
Team close to being wiped at the fortress.
Definitely, definitely my artillery call here. Those woods south of the fortress. Saw the bodies flying!
best: Communication, everyone was talking to everyone, I felt I was in the battle even though I am support
worst: Forgetting that I rebinded my flare key and not dropping fairs A SINGLE TIME
2015-11-14, 21:25
Sweet grande Mr. PDI guy at northwest fortress wall
2015-11-14, 21:32
Best: not Dying once, being number 1 at the end.
Worst: rtbing when a random transchopper, supplying your sneaky AA guy ,appears infront of me and unable to shot him down.
Funniest: leaving the apc to check our rear if someone is sneaking up on us and a second later it got killed by HAT.
2015-11-14, 21:37
Funniest: leaving the apc to check our rear if someone is sneaking up on us and a second later it got killed by HAT. This?
2015-11-14, 21:37
best: Xiangshan is over :D
worst: teamkills or area attack
funniest: locking at Map an seeing Senshi doing the spin :)
Sitting in those spots all battle as CAS SL. ;)
Flew over you in that Northeastern location and saw you proning in that bush! Too funny
Best: Didn't get shot down by anyone (Trans)
Worst: Obligatory clipping of a tree and losing 1 chopper
Funniest: Flying behind enemy cas for a bit like a troll
2015-11-14, 21:43
Best: Highfiving APCs,.. in the face,... with hellfires
Worst: Get locked -> flare -> lock is gone -> 4 secs gone -> die anyway because same AA
^Good HAT shot Alon!
Best - In terms of gameplay, some quality sneaking this round. But the minutes silence was a very nice touch. Class act everyone.
Worst - Not much. Maybe the APC killing me in swaps with blind fire. I guess the bushes only work so well :P
Funniest - Soban was drunk. I drank only black coffee, because the PRT is serious business.
Cheers to all, Murkey.
Really fun game on our side, well played Danger. This operation was a worthy start of C11 if you ask me. ;)
Worst: rtbing when a random transchopper, supplying your sneaky AA guy ,appears infront of me and unable to shot him down.
This was me.. do tell me more about this. I remember diving to supply him but did not take lock or fire so I thought.
Best - Managing to get to the far western side of fortress with my squad, unfortunately we found two of your squads moving in.
Worst - Peeking over the hole in the Eastern side of fortress, found your 50 cal VAB
Funniest - Danger 2 good for PDI
2015-11-14, 21:55
Worst: Get locked -> flare -> lock is gone -> 4 secs gone -> die anyway because same AA
There were 2 AAs. The 2nd one that killed you was exactly under where you died. It was a really short shot.
2015-11-14, 22:19
best: fuckin' winning i guess?
worst: getting wiped in the initial battle of the fortress. and also doing a lot of stupid mistakes
funniest: unkillable guy and survived from some guy killing me
EDIT: may also just say that it was some real good fighting by PDI?
2015-11-15, 09:04
Best: Getting most kills on the team (again :D).
Worst: Sitting on a wooden floor for 5 hours before during and after the battle. Moving house and the internet was only connected in the old house where the furniture had been removed :(.
Funniest: Tking people. I ask frosty to confirm whether the tower is friendly but he is too busy. I take the shot because I thought I saw AT. But it was friendly AT....
TK franc because my '?' and squad marker is not on him.
WP MRF good job yesterday!
PDI|AlonTavor;350510']There were 2 AAs. The 2nd one that killed you was exactly under where you died. It was a really short shot.
We heard the second lock-sound just for about 0,1 seconds until we blew up... there was no chance of popping some more flares... kinda messed up in my oppinion, but well, we can gift you this one Tiger ;)
2015-11-15, 13:31
MRF|Jarhead;350544']We heard the second lock-sound just for about 0,1 seconds until we blew up... there was no chance of popping some more flares... kinda messed up in my oppinion, but well, we can gift you this one Tiger ;)
It locked on the flares, It was just very close.
PDI|AlonTavor;350546']It locked on the flares, It was just very close.
Yeah that is PR right there for you. Missile teleported to the helicopter after hitting the flare. I wish it would not depend so much on luck.
2015-11-15, 13:57
PDI|AlonTavor;350546']It locked on the flares, It was just very close.
that really shouldnt have killed us...
Good ol' flare slingshot kill :) .
2015-11-15, 17:57
AA has big splash. You were flying pretty low diving away from AA. He was almost underneath you.
2015-11-15, 20:41
MRF|octo-crab;350493']Sweet grande Mr. PDI guy at northwest fortress wall
Best: Apparantly that throw ^
Worst: that damn fortress...
Funniest: watching people keep walking over the break in the wall in fortress only to instantly recieve a .50 cal to the cranium from that damned vbci
Well played MRF, you guys could not have executed the fortress occupation any better.
Funniest: watching people keep walking over the break in the wall in fortress only to instantly recieve a .50 cal to the cranium from that damned vbci
You're Welcome PDI! :D
Best: Eventually only 2 of us remained alive around the wall breach area when one of your assaults took place, Abchaz as AR on the wall and me in the VAB 50cal just behind the breach. We thought we were going to die when the smokes and the grenades came over and heard the hooks in the mist, I just fired on brief silhouettes for sometime, but we managed to hold you back until our reinforcements came in.
Worst: Getting smoked by TOW even tho I especially tried to stay low. Props to PDI TOW operator.
Funniest: Getting pinned down in a tower by WZ551 and mighty Soban just blew it up right when i was about to die and just moments before I yelled out on local we could use a HAT guy right now.
2015-11-16, 00:54
funniest: My gunner dismounting to patch himself up as an enemy tank rolled up behind us, I ditched him and ran straight to main, he was screaming all over the mic and hid under their tank haha.
MRF|Steeps;350330']Sir, this thread is for stories from the PRT battles. ;)
True, but a good story nonetheless :)
2015-11-16, 11:08
Funniest - Soban was drunk. I drank only black coffee, because the PRT is serious business.
Funniest: Getting pinned down in a tower by WZ551 and mighty Soban just blew it up right when i was about to die and just moments before I yelled out on local we could use a HAT guy right now.
I have a man-crush on Soban ;)
2015-11-16, 21:11
We were defending the wall.
APC starts pounding us.
I start trying to figure out what assets we have to kill it.
a wild Soban apears
"Where APC"
'umm like 2 o'clock 300m out'
"APC Dead"
'ok, yeah so.. thanks"
Best: We won.
Worst: Got reckt by apc, could not even see the apc, tho I tried...
Funniest: At one point in fortress hearing a hook on the wall... then running, like a little girl, around screaming in local... HOOK HOOK ON THE WALL !!! and then hiding in the bush :D
PS: thx guys for all the love :)
Best: Killing around 20 enemies with AR while defending fortress.
Worst: Only 6 gave up, most got revived. 2 TK's because they were on the positions where enemies kept coming from.
Funniest: Seeing Danger killing the remaining enemies in the fortress. Thanks.
whats wrong schakal?
^ This was definitely the highlight of the battle for me.
We were all going "Yeah, Schakal! Yeah!" and then that happened.
2015-11-28, 21:06
i threw my keybord into my 2nd monitor because of you fobraiding bastards... atleast you killed yourself after those cheap kills :D
Glorious Rubberband. At least I never missed the APC. But the Inf fighting sometimes was ridiculous.
Good job with the revives PDI. You got me frustrated over time.
2015-11-28, 21:13
Best - Winning
Worst - The battle
Funniest - Evening out my 1 - 8 kd in the last minute....
Last minute arty was not bad
Best - Shooting down the Huey with the batmobile
Worst - Getting Hatted from behind
Funniest - Calling the end score also double barrelroll with VN3
2015-11-28, 21:21
Best - Squad debriefing
Worst - The Rubberbanding
Funniest - VN3 double barrel roll
2015-11-28, 21:21
Spook;351491']Last minute arty was not bad
Best: Telling Franc to casually arty the NE forest of village, because we saw a few guys up there earlier
Worst: The chinese rifle. Half my kills were with a pistol
Funniest: Chasing a recon guy who 1-shotted Hotfranc south of Village in the beginning, and ran after him for like 2km. Finally caught up to him because he was black and white
"Guys, their arty is still up, care for the counter"
*Ka-crump* *Ka-blam*
"Aww crap."
Spook;351491']Last minute arty was not bad
Best:Only died because of rubber banding. Also spotted fob between our main and flag we were defending, so I helped.
Worst: Died because of rubber banding
Funniest: none really.
2015-11-28, 21:55
Best: Leading the squad, with good teamwork internally, and teamwise.
Worst: Running back to flag when shit hit the fan there. Y U NO SPRINT GERMAN, SCHNELL!
Funniest: Putting our NH90 to good use, taking us about 300M away. Marines rollin' with style!
Don't worry Alex, most of us got revived, thanks to a spread like a hookers legs. ;)
Spook;351491']Last minute arty was not bad
Best: Surprise FOB in the M5 area.
Worst: Seeing defending squads getting wiped.
Funniest: Double Batmobile barrel roll. Making it into East Village while black & white and still managing to kill a guy. Having the H-AT kit for a few mins to get a kill shot on the Puma. First area attack being used on us, to the north of East Village, which killed around 3 guys.
PDI|DonDOOM;351518']Making it into East Village while black & white and still managing to kill a guy.
I think that was me. My gun didn't fire a single shot.
Best: Holding the village by killing two guys trying to sneaky cap.
Funniest: Getting ran over by our own APC while proning in the middle of nowhere. :D
Best: Holding the village by killing two guys trying to sneaky cap.
One of them was hotfranc.
2015-11-28, 23:20
Spook;351491']Last minute arty was not bad
How was first MRF arty? I think I got 8 kills out of it?
Best : Not losing a trans bird
Worst : Losing to MRF
Funniest : Landing and seeing 5+ German inf encircling the LZ right after I pull up
2015-11-28, 23:54
Spook;351522']One of them was hotfranc.
The other one was me with a crewman kit, got MGed and grenaded
MRF|Yrkidding;351524']How was first MRF arty? I think I got 8 kills out of it?
First area attack being used on us, to the north of East Village, which killed around 3 guys.
You killed about 3 people :D
2015-11-29, 02:10
PDI|DonDOOM;351533']You killed about 3 people :D
I watched your deaths go from like 55 to 63 while it was landing, thought it went better. Oh well, at least your area attack immediately after that only killed 3 people who were already down :P
2015-11-29, 11:20
Best: Only 1 cancelled supply request during first 10 minutes of non-stop requests.
Worst: Lost myself 5 times when successfully sneaked up to village :(
Funniest: Ride a truck through village full of enemies, made alive :)
2015-11-29, 11:53
Funniest: Ride a truck through village full of enemies, made alive :)
Hahah, I thought I saw someone drive through the village with a truck... I just kept staring at my map like: 9782f51ebc7bde.jpg
Best: Winning the battle (i was a little bit pessimistic tbh)
Worst: the rubberbanding caused 3 people minimum staying alive after being headshoted by a sniper-rifle (the blood was everywhere -.- )
funniest: running away from your mortar-pits after the engagement and not being seen by the batmobile once directly aiming at my and 2nd time a few seconds later driving nearly over me ^^
2015-11-29, 12:48
Worst: the rubberbanding caused 3 people minimum staying alive after being headshoted by a sniper-rifle (the blood was everywhere -.- )
At one time I was in a bunker on the hill village, heard a *poc* turned back and so a bullet hole just behind.
Was like "Oh shit, that one was for me"
PDI|Simplejack;351566']At one time I was in a bunker on the hill village, heard a *poc* turned back and so a bullet hole just behind.
Was like "Oh shit, that one was for me"
Hell yeah, true that!! xD had some of your guys under my crosshair, but you were like ants, just running around all the time (or being out of sight ^^)
2015-11-30, 00:19
PDI|;351495']Funniest - VN3 double barrel roll
Anyone got that "on tape"?
MRF|rPoXoTauJIo;351561']Funniest: Ride a truck through village full of enemies, made alive :)
lol, even my squad leader was asking "what is that truck doing". I couldn't believe that you went right on in, and I laughed out loud when you drove right on out.
2015-12-02, 11:01
Wish PDI guys could tell me how it were looking from their side, i have seen at least 2 guys next to road :)
2015-12-03, 05:01
Hehe, canvas saves the day :)
2015-12-05, 12:11
Best: Seeing my HCOs and Officers do well without me.
Worst: Not playing for the last 3 weeks.
Funniest: My internet provider must be playing some sort of sick joke on us. That's funny, right?
2015-12-07, 06:04
MRF|rPoXoTauJIo;351814']Wish PDI guys could tell me how it were looking from their side, i have seen at least 2 guys next to road :)
Was just watching the east and turn and just see a logi trucking straight on through. My first reaction was, good thing no one shot a lat at that. Then I see a lat go flying off after the truck is 100M outside the town......
Best: Forest fighting
Worst: The entire battle. Worst battle I ever experienced. So insanely boring.
Funniest: Not sure, boringness drowned everything out.
2015-12-12, 23:20
Worst: 4 HOURS!!!
Funniest: rPoXoTauJIo Drawing a penis on the minimap with cars.
2015-12-12, 23:24
I'm done. I'm fucking done. I've witnessed everything possible in PR.
I knew exactly what's going on when curry started spamming TS.
Please provide PRISM screenshot of the last moments, I really want to see what it looked like.
I think i can say with confidence and some of the older admins (from C7/C8) will agree. This is the closest game of PR, EVER
The whole team was screaming in excitement at that end screen. Anyone record audio?
We area attacked a truck. A fucking truck. Aimed at the truck and the truck only, killed the truck and the truck only. Won the match. GG.
2015-12-12, 23:41
MRF|Aleon;352511']We area attacked a truck. A fucking truck. Aimed at the truck and the truck only, killed the truck and the truck only. Won the match. GG.
advanced mrf tactics. gg
All the disconnects and shit happening, came down to 1 ticket..
Going to be honest, I was expecting more attacks from MRF, advantage faction wise and all.
2015-12-12, 23:48
I'm really dissapointed, no one walked over one of my 21 IED's around the NW part of the city :(
2015-12-12, 23:49
Best: tension levels were the highest ive ever experienced in PR. barely blinked for the first 2.5 hours
Worst: none really, was a good match all around, just wish it didnt last as long
Funniest: Danger's maniacal laugh halfway through the battle. i didnt wanna say anything but you scared the shit outta me...
GG all!
2015-12-12, 23:54
Best: After 3+ hours getting my first rekt, a techie with 4 dudes in it.
Worst: 4 hours game, and stalking enemy supplyroute when there's not a single f**** vehicle. Ever.
Funniest: People losing their minds in the end. I said at about 2-3 hrs into the game, it's going to get tight like and 8 year old.
2015-12-13, 00:09
Best: Rushing the ennemy flag, clearing a whole building from bottom to up while hearing Explo in the adjacent building going ham clearing two or three floors by himself, remind me to never anger that guy.
Popped my first battle cherry and fuck me that was one tense long game and I enjoyed every bit of it, a unique experience indeed.
Also, Hedbol everytime he fired his AR you can hear someone dying, that guy is lethal, I'd have him support us anyday.
Worst: Long game, spent most of the time having RPGs shot at us every 30 seconds while we were out there next to their cap holding a single building, did lots of brick counting and babysitting stairs made me cry.
Also got area attacked right on top of us N.E of train yard, that sucked but we all got revived so that was fun.
Funniest: Hearing Akiba orgasm over the win, it was a well deserved win my god. Also that last teamkill was pretty funny at the last 2 seconds.
Funniest: Hearing Akiba orgasm over the win, it was a well deserved win my god. Also that last teamkill was pretty funny at the last 2 seconds.
Fortunately it was after the clock went and didn't count towards the final score :)
2015-12-13, 00:39
Best: Having my team members stick by me until the last second of the game. I am very proud of them.
Worst: Hopefully this is the last 4 hour battle of the tournament.
Funniest: Hearing people screaming as they were shot by RPGs. That's why I was maniacally laughing Paul :D.
2015-12-13, 00:42
best: 11/10 squad medic
worst: squad member crashed, after he comes back i crash instead
funniest: AA kept shooting our building, suppresing everybody inside
PDI|FrostyVO;352519']I'm really dissapointed, no one walked over one of my 21 IED's around the NW part of the city :(
Oooh so that was you?! See Explo I never doubted you for one second!
Best: Clearing an L top floor alone, full of PDI.
And of course also: (headphone users warning!)
Worst: Getting pinned down by PDI RPG death squad for half an hour. At one time you fired like 4 rockets at the same time on our L, it was like instant PTSD.
Funniest: Fighting for an apartment building with Huskies and in the intensity i had like 8 round left, burst into a room and as i was entering a PDI guy tried to exit we both fire (he had little ammo too, wow) didn't kill each other, he pulled his knife, in the shock i pulled out my shovel instead, we ran around the room as he was chasing me while i was equipping my bayonet, but i panicked and just jumped out of the window from the 4th floor and as i was falling i knew i done did fucked up.
But magically survived got back in for healing. But oh man, who was that guy whom i had this DERP encounter with? and wonder what was he thinking about my completely nonsensical actions. :D unfortunately i didn't record.
PDI|FrostyVO;352519']I'm really dissapointed, no one walked over one of my 21 IED's around the NW part of the city :(
Yep, sorry mate we were aware of your defence-line on that side, but i gotta give it to you, you were running around with such a care as they were your babies. :D
2015-12-13, 02:04
Best: Shooting a Heli with LAT :D !
Worst: Sitting in a L-Shape for 4 hours
Funniest: Great wall of rocks !
That was one hell of a shot!
Holy shit, I saw the chopper being LAted but I thought it was from the AT guy right underneath it. Damn good shot.
Jesus christ, bloody nice shot... We were certain as well that it was from underneath by your recon guys whom we later found.
2015-12-13, 04:02
Nope, that shot came from the building .. Was damn lucky tho ..
Best: Crossing the middle landbridge just to dodge a direct Artillery Strike and being given enough time to hop into a pill box and ride the rest out.
Worst: Rubberbands. ALL THE RUBBERBANDS.
Funniest: Knowing my great wall of trip flares caught someone near the end of the match.
2015-12-13, 06:30
Worst: Getting pinned down by PDI RPG death squad for half an hour. At one time you fired like 4 rockets at the same time on our L, it was like instant PTSD.
You were lucky it was only half an hour, we've been stuck in that building for an hour and 25 (squad 3) haha and they've been lobbing grenades at us, rockets and AA, never saw Akiba rage so hard.
Best : Extremely disciplined effort by the squad of patiently defending an L shape.
Worst : Losing by 1 ticket when we had some asshattery on PDI
Funniest : Watching MRF engineering corps do their thing
2015-12-13, 08:14
Best: Making PRT History.
Worst: 4 hours is freaking draining for an SL.
Funniest: Pulling an Akiba and building multiple AA emplacements while defending for long periods of time.
2015-12-13, 08:36
MRF|Explo;352540']But oh man, who was that guy whom i had this DERP encounter with? and wonder what was he thinking about my completely nonsensical actions. unfortunately i didn't record.
That was me, this shit was too funny but i didnt realised u pulled your shovel. Just laughed my ass off as u jumped down the window. That was a really intense fight there.
2015-12-13, 09:18
Best: Armyduck lating Heli
Worst: 4 hours in an L shape in 1 room, only thing I saw from MRF was a heli, where were you?
Funniest: counting all the IED's from Frosty as they exploded one after the other after 3 hours
2015-12-13, 09:52
best: my squad keeping up with the enthusiasm through the whole round
worst: single fire when it should've been auto, akiba costing us a couple of tickets by lodging a landrover in a shit spot
funnist: after the area attack at the end the squad that killed me were super thorough with clearing the building:)
herer's video
2015-12-13, 10:06
Best: being part of PRT history
Worst: 4 *!%#&*&* hours!
Had to do this to myself:
Funniest: Epi's joke! No Coke plz for me.
2015-12-13, 12:08
Funniest: Danger's maniacal laugh halfway through the battle. i didnt wanna say anything but you scared the shit outta me...
GG all!
I was terrified ! About to go surrender to the british to escape the maniac ! :D
2015-12-13, 12:51
Yep, sorry mate we were aware of your defence-line on that side, but i gotta give it to you, you were running around with such a care as they were your babies. :D
Imagine how happy I was when we heard one blow, and how devestated it was to realise they were all expiring.. It took me 45 minutes and 2 marathons to place all those IED's, they really did feel like my babies :D
Best: Killing a transport truck driver in NW City with my AR.
Worst: Time, and flying RPG:s.
Funniest: Playing with SQ3, and their somewhat strange humour :)
MRF|mectus11;352530']Also, Hedbol everytime he fired his AR you can hear someone dying, that guy is lethal, I'd have him support us anyday. You must be talking about me ;) Thanks!
Here is the truck driver kill, and some other kills. Audío fucked up during the recording though..
MRF|Alexswesnipr;352574']best: my squad keeping up with the enthusiasm through the whole round
worst: single fire when it should've been auto, akiba costing us a couple of tickets by lodging a landrover in a shit spot
funnist: after the area attack at the end the squad that killed me were super thorough with clearing the building:)
herer's video
Not overly thorough. We always knew it'd be just one or two guys there, we were just bored as hell. Considering we had ample supplies and we knew you wouldn't expire before the round ended, schakal went over to blow you to bits for that second ticket :) .
Make sure you take a look at these:
You might want to speed up the video a bit... specially on the 4 hour long long rounds :p
Onil;352598']Make sure you take a look at these:
You might want to speed up the video a bit... specially on the 4 hour long long rounds :p
I wish I could listen in to the admin chatter and reactions while watching it, or is it too NSFW to release? :D
PDI|schakal811;352569']That was me, this shit was too funny but i didnt realised u pulled your shovel. Just laughed my ass off as u jumped down the window. That was a really intense fight there.
Cheers mate! Made my day :D
2015-12-13, 21:56
From squad 2's perspective:
Long drawn-out battle of attrition on Dragon Fly, four hour match, map clock timed out and we ended up losing by one bloody ticket (Brits 88 to Militia's 87, final score).
Our building got stormed only once, but at the exact time when the enemy was coming into the building, our squad leader crashes to desktop, and one of our guys had just a minute or two before decided to go out for a stroll in the courtyard, and of course got himself shot up, so we were short of two men to defend the building at the most crucial time.
Notice the difference between Pub matches and tournament play... two adjoining squads rush in to assist and help secure the building... if only there could be co-ordination like this on the Pub servers... how much more fun to play PR could be!
2016-01-11, 10:11
Just to get the ball rolling again:
Best: Running around like Rambo SCO killing people!
Worst: MRF managed to even my KD out to just over 2 by the end of the game :(.
Funniest: Learning that the IDF grenades are now impact grenades the hard way. I was going on this epic kill streak near the I shape, I even stompa'd an enemy :D. I hear two guys in a balcony above me healing and I decide to throw the nade.
I get that bugged nade action where I don't see myself throwing the nade and so I keep spamming left mouse. The nade suddenly leaves my hand but doesn't reach the balcony and falls back instantly to kill me. If it were any other nade I would have had time to run away. But no, the IDF had to buy impact grenades. :(
Moral of the story: IDF grenades are impact grenades!
2016-01-11, 10:18
best: pistol kill
worst: i really don't like gaza...
funniest: the classic get-out-of-car-and-squashed suicide in the beginning for 2 of my squadmembers
2016-01-11, 11:45
Funniest : sexting while the squad began to move only to find myself 200m back
I know it was just a training but I'll join in.
Best: Someone tried to hide in a bush to avoid, not one, not two, but three guys from the MRF recon squad. Please.
Worst: Good work to the TOW gunner on the little spit of land. My SPG techie was always just a little too high or low (apparently, I was firing just VBR)
Funniest: Drive to main, re-arm, drive back to the beach just in time for an area attack on our 3 man position.
Well fought to everyone from what I saw.
Cheers, Murkey.
best: dropping AA kit and taking HAT kit and start wrecking incoming humvies, last humvie at the beach with infantry outside, getting wreckt badly by MRF recon squad.
worst: get are attacked...
funniest: the guy trying to swim around us, get spotted, my sniper dies taking his kit, trying to shoot him, missing all the time, then sniper back, give him kit back, he start to try to hit the swimming guy, me taking AA and trying to kill the guy (with AA 2 rounds)... still he manage to survive all it :D and in the end still dies... so who was that hero ? :D
2016-01-11, 12:17
It was the only bush that was close enough to try to hide in :( sneaked my way all up there, then somebody saw me and you guys came rolling up in your techie just seconds later, had no time to seek a proper bush :p
PDI|FrostyVO;353712']It was the only bush that was close enough to try to hide in :( sneaked my way all up there, then somebody saw me and you guys came rolling up in your techie just seconds later, had no time to seek a proper bush :p
Fair play, good effort sneaking all the way up there though. We didn't get a lot of in-close fighting so when we heard of a single enemy infantryman we all just rushed over there to get some action :D
2016-01-11, 14:27
That was me, you guys just couldn't leave me alone haha. Died by SPG or AA (?)eventually because i was bleeding out..[/QUOTE]
PDI|FrostyVO;353719']That was me, you guys just couldn't leave me alone haha. Died by SPG or AA (?)eventually because i was bleeding out..
i think i finally shot you when you tried swimming to the shore, but nvm.
Best: seeing people getting their heads in cover after being shot/closely missed by my rounds.
Worst: that goddamn sniper rifle... the ACOG got more zoom then that thing -.-
funniest: a mix between the swimming guy and the area attack on our little position :D
Best: Staying on harbour flag the entire game, never getting really wiped. (I think)
Worst: Enemy recon squad with sniper kit and tow north of harbour. I was the AR you shot with the TOW a couple of times :)
funniest: Yee, the area attack on 3 people. We felt really good when you guys finally died. And I realised I really like the Negev close range.
Which squad was it on the harbour flag the entire game? Or the corner building south of it.
PDI|Fisen;353724']Best: Staying on harbour flag the entire game, never getting really wiped. (I think)
Worst: Enemy recon squad with sniper kit and tow north of harbour. I was the AR you shot with the TOW a couple of times :)
funniest: Yee, the area attack on 3 people. We felt really good when you guys finally died. And I realised I really like the Negev close range.
Which squad was it on the harbour flag the entire game? Or the corner building south of it.
YOU. I was the AR south of you. We exchanged fire for, what, the better part of 30 minutes? My squad sometimes went elsewhere, but I was determined to stay and take you out haha
MRF|Matt.E;353736']YOU. I was the AR south of you. We exchanged fire for, what, the better part of 30 minutes? My squad sometimes went elsewhere, but I was determined to stay and take you out haha
Helluuuu, ye you were the reason we never pushed the refinery. You hit me a couple of times but medic always healed me up :).
I even stompa'd an enemy
2016-01-12, 20:00
I even stompa'd an enemy
Educate a fool, what's this?
How long ago was STompa born? (
Earlier it meant teamkilling your mates
MRF|Friado;353805']Earlier it meant teamkilling your mates
That is pulling a Stompa. The two might get confused but by definition you cannot teamkill an enemy, so to "stompa an enemy" is distinctive.
Get your shit together, pulling a 'STompa' is a 3+ tk.
Curry;353817']Get your shit together, pulling a 'STompa' is a 3+ tk.
Thought that was Danger?
The tk's need to happen all at the same time. Like shooting friendlies on Khami with a BMP, if you know what I mean.
2016-01-13, 16:50
3+tk in one go. Those tks were sperate. :)
Curry;353819'] Like shooting friendlies on Khami with a BMP, if you know what I mean.
I cannot recall this incident happening. Please contact my lawyer Mr. Kwame Kilpatrick for further questions.
PDI|Danger_6;353820']3+tk in one go. Those tks were sperate. :)
I believe you will get it done by the end of the tournament.
Best: Attacking construction site in the beginning, spraying 3 guys down from below the crane
Worst: Still ended up sitting in a building with nothing happening. fak
Funniest: After we neutralized Delta and all other squads moved out to attack Charlie, we were talking random banter in squad chat. Suddenly I hear a muddy step outside, and send a grenade to the face of some poor recon guy.
PDI|Philrow;353953'] Suddenly I hear a muddy step outside, and send a grenade to the face of some poor recon guy.
By far the most fun I had as a commander. Damn good round IMO.
The worst was probabily failing at shooting a guy in the back while he was rearming. I was sitting under one of your squads in the Charlie building, listening to our sniper killing people until you came down and cleared me. That was kinda embarrassing. :D
2016-01-16, 22:59
best: overall a really enjoyable and intense round. TOP MAC TOP JEFF
worst: eh that squad wipe near the water tower was embarrassing for me
funniest: eh...maybe moulin killing himself?
EDIT: actually funniest was me appointing gwaihir LAT only because he was so good with the SKS
2016-01-17, 07:37
Best: Sitting on a roof with my AR mowing down people on Charlie that were coming from the south.
Worst: Getting sniped and having to wait 2 minutes, did some math homework in that time haha.
Funniest: Aleon getting teamkilled as is tradition.
2016-01-17, 09:04
Best: Having fun with the Dragunov all game.
Worst: Timing.
Funniest: Shooting a Russian and milliseconds, no picoseconds after Philrow came up behind and killed him resulting in a tk.... Fisen later admitted he would have teamkilled Philrow too, but I happened to be faster >.>
2016-01-17, 09:17
best: attacking and some action
wors: sitting in a building again
funniest: dangers teamkill
2016-01-17, 17:52
Best: Killing half squad retreating through bushes underneath a fence.
Worst: Pick up enemy kit to destroy crate with grenade -> throw grenade -> doesnt explode -> pick up kit again -> select grenade -> immediately goes out -> mouli dead.
Funniest: ^idem^
2016-01-17, 18:36
Best : Being last man alive on Delta flag and killing 10 enemies with PKP.
Worst : Most of them have been revived.
Funniest : Enemy being teamkilled by grenade next to me on Delta flag when I was last man alive.
Best: Nice assault on Charlie. Great change after just defending Delta, sitting in a building, bored.
Worst: I don't think I've killed a single enemy.
Funniest: Waiting on a roof near Charlie. Everything calm. Explosion. Teammate splattered. Teamkill.
2016-01-30, 19:06
GGWP master server.
2016-01-30, 19:11
best: good attendance from my squad
worst: it's obvious
funniest: explo rushing to make the battle
GGWP master server.
i LOL to it hard....
2016-01-30, 20:57
Best: Playing cards against humanity
Worst: MRF even winning cards against humanity :p
Funniest: Danger not getting points :D
Best: Sven Coop
Worst: That tetris map
Funniest: Pictionary
It was all right. :-)
Oh my god I wish I was there for that game of cards...
Fuck had I known you guys were actually going to take my advice and play I totally would have played. :(
2016-01-31, 04:45
PDI|;354553']Best: Playing cards against humanity
Worst: MRF even winning cards against humanity :p
Funniest: Danger not getting points :D
Liar! I had an epic comeback in the first round, and that second screen cap was my victory ;).
But I did fall asleep during the second game. I was just so tired....
2016-01-31, 06:52
Another good one from Cards Against
Sorry for crap quality.
But I did fall asleep during the second game. I was just so tired....
Best: The win. Having a great time the entire time.
Worst: Dying at the end and getting the only death in our squad.
Funniest: Zack getting 4 kills from random grenadier shots.
Best: Winning ofc. Our team played VERY well.
Worst: Since I picked iron sights, didn't get to see much action. Since almost all firefights were long range, I just had to take cover and wait to revive others when needed.
Funniest: Danger's after-speech activity. So random :D
Best: The battle, 12-0 OP SL
Worst: Fisen cockblocking me from my medal. Oh and my shadowplay fucked up, so I don't have my recording of this battle. rip
Funniest: Milsim convoy before the admins denied us in warm up
2016-02-13, 21:53
Best: Winning! And the rush in the beginning was quite awesome too.
Worst: Dying two minutes before the battle ended.
Funniest: The MRF AA shooting south of Militia Training Camp. For a moment I wondered what kind of rocket vehicle you have. :D
2016-02-13, 21:55
Best : Murdering at point blank full auto a guy from behing
Worst : Ambush position, LAT at the ready, full squad running towards me
Funniest : Danger craziness and firing LAT at point blank on that squad :D
Best: Winning finally after a good fight.
Worst: Getting Tk'ed, but I got revived.
Funniest: pre-battle warm up by Danger.
2016-02-14, 00:31
2016-02-14, 01:00
Best: Win finally
Worst: getting shot by a friendly marksman then getting shot by an enemy
Funniest: Watching everyone run around for five minutes doing nothing.
2016-02-14, 02:59
Funniest: Danger's after-speech activity. So random :D
Indeed... was a blast:
UdDGkdfnEXA (
2016-02-14, 09:20
Best: attack on the first flag
Worst: deaths in the squad because of disconnects and glitches
Funniest: Zacks grenadier kills and Fisen joy of being a sniper
Best: Defending first flag.
Worst: Being s static target for deployables and snipers since.
Funniest: Dildoes.
2016-02-14, 10:36
best: attacking the fob at the end
worst: this godamn map
funniest: we actually managed to get the flag neutral
I'm interested to hear from PDI after you capped the FOB. I don't think it's any secret that part of our tactic was delaying the cap as long as possible. When you capped it how did you feel? Did you think you capped it in reasonable time or did it take too long?
Best: See "Round is ending" even though you know you could not have lost the remaining tickets in that time
Worst: RPG on Hill flag getting us 2 times in our lovely BRDM
Funniest: Hotfranc trying to transport a crate over the sea
Did not feel too slow, but there was a real pressure as you saw tickets going down. Felt quite relieved to see the first "capping" in teamchat and our k/d on the needed ratio to win
2016-02-14, 13:06
best: Fighting for fob
Worst: First contact with brdm was with an enemy HAT and the invisible sniper on the hill.
Funniest: In the end jumping down from the roof and killing an enemy.
I'm interested to hear from PDI after you capped the FOB. I don't think it's any secret that part of our tactic was delaying the cap as long as possible. When you capped it how did you feel? Did you think you capped it in reasonable time or did it take too long?
Well soso feeling since we were down already to ~250 tickets after cap (If i remember correctly but the prism recording will show it) but it was the best we could have done I presume.
Well if you had held it for a few more minutes I'm not sure how the outcome would have been. :D
2016-02-14, 13:12
Best: Shooting at random pixels from FOB.
Worst: Fuck TOW missiles, some cunt got 4 kills off of me :(
Funniest: Hearing Akiba giving us compliments even though you know he wants to rip us a new one. Also him getting banned for the training server 10 mins prior to the battle, teamkilled at least 12 people haha.
2016-02-14, 14:42
Best: Get four kills of mectus with the tow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Worst: Mrf taking over our tow at the end of the round.
Funniest: Knowing how many people i pissed of with that tow.
PDI|jamil_123456;354999']Best: Get four kills of mectus with the tow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Worst: Mrf taking over our tow at the end of the round.
Funniest: Knowing how many people i pissed of with that tow.
Had the SPG lined up on you, just was empty when that happened.
2016-02-14, 21:22
I'm interested to hear from PDI after you capped the FOB. I don't think it's any secret that part of our tactic was delaying the cap as long as possible. When you capped it how did you feel? Did you think you capped it in reasonable time or did it take too long?
If you could hold in 4 more minutes result would be different. But in general I think it was pretty successful.
Best: Getting the ending kills I believe. Game finished after I blindy threw a grenade towards the healing sounds just after I got revived. They died and game ended. :B
Worst: Neutralization of Militia FOB.
Funniest: Not that funny but a little bit exciting. I was running between our TOW and supply crate. Suddenly I heard crawling noises. Little filthy crawling noises. I immidiately reported and Senshi tried his ways to make sure there was an nme around. Yes there was. We began searching that recon guy. Despite our all efforts we couldn't find him. He just vanished.
PDI|M.Salvatore;355044']Best: Getting the ending kills I believe. Game finished after I blindy threw a grenade towards the healing sounds just after I got revived. They died and game ended. :B
That feeling.
PDI|M.Salvatore;355044']Funniest: Not that funny but a little bit exciting. I was running between our TOW and supply crate. Suddenly I heard crawling noises. Little filthy crawling noises. I immidiately reported and Senshi tried his ways to make sure there was an nme around. Yes there was. We began searching that recon guy. Despite our all efforts we couldn't find him. He just vanished.
Just wanna know... which TOW do you mean? the one on the island or the one a few grids next to the bunker? :D
I've been at both. blew up the FOB on the island and killed one guy laying ontop of an HMG on that hill xD
2016-02-15, 10:58
I was on top of that hmg !
I could'nt see shit otherwise x)
2016-02-15, 16:33
MRF|Jarhead;355062']Just wanna know... which TOW do you mean? the one on the island or the one a few grids next to the bunker? :D
I've been at both. blew up the FOB on the island and killed one guy laying ontop of an HMG on that hill xD
TOW was a bit NW of the Militia Bunker yes. So it was you sneaking around :D
PDI|M.Salvatore;355117']TOW was a bit NW of the Militia Bunker yes. So it was you sneaking around :D
depends on the time that incident happened... i was just there when i killed SimpleJack xD and i got hunted down shortly after that...
might have been my other boys then :P
2016-02-15, 17:42
christ jarhead stop using xD
What is he using? You make it sound like he is using drugs or something like that xD
2016-02-15, 20:32
3,500 xD
Best : Murking a solo HAT guy by tunnels who essentially went prone and accepted his fate.
Worst : dying the one time to an AA spammer. LOL
Funniest : see "Worst"
2016-02-15, 21:39
Best : xD
Worst : xD
Funniest : xD
PDI|PMonkey;355150']Best : Murking a solo HAT guy by tunnels who essentially went prone and accepted his fate.
Worst : dying the one time to an AA spammer. LOL
Funniest : see "Worst"
That may have been Soban both times.
PDI|PMonkey;355150']Best : Murking a solo HAT guy by tunnels who essentially went prone and accepted his fate.
yea it was me and yea I accepted that I got ambushed.
2016-02-27, 21:21
Best : Not dying once (TK doesn't count) and never losing the Boxer
Worst : Getting rpg attention on my Boxer all the time.
Funniest : "I don't want to drive you over" -Splat- "whoops"
2016-02-27, 21:23
best: The victory never felt so good.
worst: I've been sitting in a barn for so long i think i've counted all the pixels on one of the walls.
funniest: Can't think of anything.
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